
unSigned, s. r. o.
Legionárska 235/4
010 01, Žilina
Slovak Republic, EU

IČO: 48 055 271
DIČ: 2120002423


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+421 911 306 042

Bank Info:

Account: 1302581001/1111
IBAN: SK3811110000001302581001
Currency: EUR

Miscellaneous information:

unSigned s.r.o. is a limited liability company (ltd.) registered in the Commercial Register administered by the Municipal Court in Žilina, Slovak Republic, Section Sro, File No. 63367/L with identification number (IČO) 48 055 271.

We are VAT registered entity. Our IČ DPH (VAT ID) is: SK2120002423. You can check it in EU VIES system.

UniCredit Bank Czech Republic and Slovakia, a.s.,
pobočka zahraničnej banky
Šancová 1/A
813 33 Bratislava
Slovak Republic


To reach us please use mentioned contacts or form below. We speak Slovak, English and Czech.


We are open to any investments, feel free to contact us with any questions.

Send an Email. All fields with an asterisk (*) are required.

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